The online Tara practice group meets every THIRD Thursday of the month and you can attend any session. Please mark your calendar, as you will not receive an email reminder before the practice.
In each group practice, Rachael begins with teachings about the particular Tara and then leads a guided meditation. We are following the sequence of the Tara emanations as they appear in the book. The group is hosted by Bhumisparsha, an emerging tantric Buddhist community.
The next group practice date will be September 19th 7pm EDT (The cycle begins again with Green Tara). Please join us!
Click here to join
Tara posters: We now have a 10x14" Tara poster (suitable for framing and hanging) and a 5"x7" Tara poster (suitable for an alter or travel) available for your practice.
15Aug2024 - White Tara Who Fulfills All Activities
18July2024 - Orange Tara Who Protects from All Illnesses
20June2024 - White Tara Who Removes All Suffering
16May2024 - White Poison Removing Tara
18Apr2024 - Saffron Tara Who Moves the Three Worlds
21Mar2024 - Red All-Knowing Hum Tara
18Jan2024 - White Soothing Tara
21Dec2023 - Black Wrathful Tara
16Nov2023 - Red Burning Tara
19Oct2023 - Golden Good Luck-Bringing Tara
21Sept2023 - Orange Poverty Removing Tara
17Aug2023 - Red Influential Tara
20July2023 - White Protecting Tara with the Three Jewels Mudra
15Jun2023 - Dark Red Destroying Tara
18May2023 - Black Tara
20Apr2023 - Dark Red Victorious Tara
16Mar2023 - Red Hum-Sounding Tara
16Feb2023 - Yellow All-Victorious Tara
19Jan2023 - Golden Tara
15Dec2022 - Great White Soothing Tara
17Nov2022 - Red, Swift and Courageous Tara
20Oct2022 - Green Tara
All the recordings listed above as well as the recordings from the first practice cycle of the 21 Taras (Jan 2021 - Sepember 2022) can be found on our YouTube playlist.
Poems and Praises for Tara Practices
These three poems or praises were read and discussed during our group meditation on Red Hum-Sounding Tara. They are appropriate for all Tara practices, so please use them at any time.
White Tara with the Three Jeweled Mudra
In this audio recording, Rachael reads the chapter, "White Tara with the Three Jeweled Mudra". The recording also includes a guided meditation practice on White Tara, which is included in the chapter.
Special Orange Tara Practice
This is an audio recording of a Special Orange Tara Practice our local group did to lend our hearts and spirits to those suffering from the effects of the two pandemics gripping our nation–that of systemic racism and of Covid-19. There is a longstanding tradition in Tibetan Buddhism of practicing Orange Tara Who Protects from All Illnesses during epidemics.
In this practice, I joined teachings from two emanations of Tara: Orange Poverty Removing Tara and Orange Tara who Protects from All Illnesses. In the first half hour, I discuss these aspects of Tara as they relate to what is happening in our local communities, our nation, and around the globe. The second half hour (starting at 25:24), is a guided meditation focused on Orange Tara who Protects from All Illnesses. This is done in the manner of the full sadhana practice that our group does each month, which includes a few extra steps that aren’t in the book. Please use the practice as you feel called.